The one supposed to be yesterday's entry:
Dec 23rd, 2008
We were just came back from checkup in St. Raphael. Mrs mama also got all the result from previous tests; pap smears and blood test. Pap smears -ve, HIV -ve, rubella immuned, hepatitis B immuned, not anemic, kira semua ok la... normal! Tekanan darah pun normal, baby's heart beat normal. And most important, baby develops well...
So, aper citer pitam nie??? Tadi, mrs mama bleh pitam la pulak kat depan kaunter sementara tgh tunggu the nurse arrange for next appointment. Tengah berdiri tu tiba2 raser lain mcm. Rasa nak sakit perut pun ada. Then macam nak pening pun ada. Pastu tiba2 blank!!! Tau2 dgr org kecoh2 ambil kerusi, dudukkan, panggil Dr. Bhuvanesh... bla bla bla... Dah sedar sket, diaorg bg bagi minum air, and makan pisang... Lepas tu baru raser much better :D (seumur hidup mrs mama, nie 2nd time pitam, 1st time maser 1st day masuk form6, 1995)
So aper yg tak kena? Mrs mama had breakfast as usual, roti cicah milo (bestnyer kalau dpt nasi lemak bungkus dgn sambal sotong...). That was between 10-11am. We were at the hospital around 120-2pm. Maybe psl tak cukup tido kot. Since duduk US nie mmg ader masalah nak tido. Lambat benor baru bleh tido. Or maybe gak psl tak cukup makan. Mrs mama lost 5lbs since last checkup (Nov 24th). Nurse tu siap tanya, "have u been sicked?" Tak pernah la pulak sakit. Tapi mmg takde selera makan. 4-5 days baru nak makan nasi sekali. Hari2 lain makan roti, plus vitamin yg dr. bagi. Vitamin mmg tak miss kecuali 2 days ago sbb abis stock. Satu lagi detected from urine test, kurang minum air.
Malas nak masak tu satu hal la (syndrom sejak pregnant nie)... tapi biler masak, even yg simple2 takde selera plak nak makan later sbb tak lalu dgn bau2an masa memasak tu. Tengah winter nie bukannyer boleh memasak bukak tingkap. Abis satu rumah bau. Lama lak tu baru nak hilang...
Therefore, mrs mama kena force to eat. The dr said, since mrs mama not eating enough food, fat in the body becomes ketone and ketone is not good for baby development. Byk2 maser nak turunkan berat badan, maser tgh pregnantkan 2nd one nie la pulak bleh turun. Cuma tak healthy je la...
Ingat nak amik gambor tadi kat st. raphael. Since snow nie mrs mama mana pernah keluar rumah :D tapi terlupa la pulak! biler teringat teksi dah sampai. Hari nie trip pergi balik naik teksi coz atuk landlord ader christmas party, takleh nak pinjam keter. Teksi costs $25 pergi balik. Perjalanan tak sampai pun 15 mins.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Snowy December

Last weekend we were hit by a massive snow storm. Start dari hari Jumaat sampai la hari Ahad. Ada break kejap around Saturday at noon. Last Friday siap sekolah tutup sebab the bad weather. The weekend before this dah ada sekali snow fall, tapi tak la byk sangat. Probably around 5 inci je. But this time, dekat satu kaki gak la. However, it was not as bad as last year.

During raya haji pun its snowing and chilly. Takde entry masa raya haji aritu sebab we had nothing happening on raya haji. Pagi2 pegi sembahyang raya kat Yale, balik dari sembahyang raya terus buat final exam. It was a busy week for mr ayah with the final exams and term papers. Mrs mama pun mmg malas nak prepare anything for raya haji. So end up, our raya haji mcm tak beraya la. Dah la last year beraya haji atas flight.
Sementara ada snow ni, sempat la mr ayah dgn littleman main snow blkg rumah. Tapi takat main snow ball fight je la. Maybe next snow fall boleh try buat snow man lak. Normally around January snow lagi byk.

Nak kata best winter ni, tak best mana pun. Kalau takat rasa winter seminggu dua ok la, tapi kalau nak harung the whole winter season, hmmmm. Dah cukup kot. This will be our last winter. Bila lagi nak rasa winter tak tau la. Maybe masa mr ayah sambung PhD nanti? Who knows... ;)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Genap setahun
Dah setahun rupanyer kami menetap di bumi Amerika ini. Nak kater kejap je maser berlalu, kadang2 terasa lambat la jugak, hehehe...
20th December 2007, bersamaan dgn Hari Raya AidilAdha... 2 keluarga en. Hamzah dan en. Zainal berkumpul di KLIA menghantar pemergian kami sekeluarga ke USA. Why we chosed to fly on the morning of Hari Raya??? The reason was, so that none of our family members have to take leave to send us to the airport ;)
The day before, we were in mrs. mama's sister's house preparing the Raya dishes. Littleman pulak tiba2 tak sihat that day, muntah2 sepanjang hari, sampai dah lembik. Later that night before balik Keramat, we decided to singgah klinik kanak2 dr. ting in puchong sbb risau tgk keadaan littleman.
Littleman kena masuk air 2 botol. Lama jugak kat situ nak tunggu air dlm botol tu habis. We went home around 1230am. Sampai Keramat, sambung last minute packing. Terus bawak turun luggages siap2. Tido around 230am, and bangun balik around 430am to get ready to go to the KLIA. 2 cars, mr ayah drove the terano while mrs mama follow from behind with neo. We took the new highway, Jln Tun Razak-Putrajaya. Time tu baru sgt bukak, toll pun belum kena lagi. First time gak try highway tu, tapi mmg dah tau kat maner last exit sbb dah biaser nampak.
Arrived in KLIA about 645am, serentak dgn mrs mama's families. After checking-in we all gathered at KFC. Littleman dah tak nampak mcm org sakit, alhamdulillah... dpt pulak jumpa cousins dier, mmg terus sihat la. Dalam kepala littleman, dier ingat the cousins pun akan ikut dier naik plane. So when it was time to say gudbye, melalak la dier... Jenuh berdukung pulak lepas tu. Plan nak lepak golden lounge pun tak jadi coz dier ngamok!!! Until dlm flight pun masih tak ok. Nasib baik we were seated quite behind, so takde la kacau org sgt.
The journey was smooth. Eventhough littleman rajin jugak ke depan ke belakang saying hello to every passangers. Having Just for Laugh on inflight entertaiment really helped a lot. Mr ayah awal2 lagi dah dengkur... tak cukup tido mlm tadi.
Transit in Arlanda airport, Stockholm sekali lagi littleman mengamok. Dier mengamok psl tak boleh keluar from that area. Just 1 hr transit, so we cannot go anywhere... Habis jadi perhatian dlm tu. Crew yg nak take over duties pun dah pandang semacam, mcm dah target plak this littleman gonna give them trouble on the flight. He did, but not for long... he fell asleep later and only wokeup when we safely landed in Newark airport. Dgn muka terpinga2 tu... "we did it! i did it, mama!!!" hehehe...
At arrival hall, few m'sians dah tunggu, sambut ketibaan kami. We then straight away went to abg yus's house for dinner. We had nasi ayam. Later went to Zakir's house, where we menumpang stayed until we moved to our own house. Luckily we managed to get into our own house after few days later. Thanks to the International Services Office of UNH sebab rekomen rumah ni. Dpt tuan rumah lak yg sgt baik hati.
Its been a year now, skrg sibuk lak counting days nak balik....
20th December 2007, bersamaan dgn Hari Raya AidilAdha... 2 keluarga en. Hamzah dan en. Zainal berkumpul di KLIA menghantar pemergian kami sekeluarga ke USA. Why we chosed to fly on the morning of Hari Raya??? The reason was, so that none of our family members have to take leave to send us to the airport ;)

Littleman kena masuk air 2 botol. Lama jugak kat situ nak tunggu air dlm botol tu habis. We went home around 1230am. Sampai Keramat, sambung last minute packing. Terus bawak turun luggages siap2. Tido around 230am, and bangun balik around 430am to get ready to go to the KLIA. 2 cars, mr ayah drove the terano while mrs mama follow from behind with neo. We took the new highway, Jln Tun Razak-Putrajaya. Time tu baru sgt bukak, toll pun belum kena lagi. First time gak try highway tu, tapi mmg dah tau kat maner last exit sbb dah biaser nampak.

Its been a year now, skrg sibuk lak counting days nak balik....
Friday, December 19, 2008
1st ultrasound - 14 weeks 5 days
Last Tuesday, Dec 16th 2008 was our appointment day for ultrasound. Kali nie 1st time tgk ultrasound baby dah besor. Dulu maser pregnantkan littleman awal2 dah buat ultrasound cam tak nampak aper sgt... nampak la sac yg mcm bean tu... Kali nie terus mcm kagum sekejap nampak baby mcm tgh tido menonggeng (to our family, just imagine mcm littleman tido menonggeng tu... exactly like that la the baby's position).

Since the baby menonggeng, facing down... so tak nampak muka. Nampak 2 hands, 2 legs... and heart beat, strong heart beat - 140. Gender tak nampak lagi... tunggu next ultrasound. Tapi mrs mama dah 2 kali mimpi dpt baby boy... hehehe... nie masih dok menaruh harapan nak baby girl. Ada org kater (saper la org tu...) mimpi nie selalu terbalik, so ader chance ke nie??? hahaha!!! Littleman pun dah percaya yg dier akan dpt little baby sister. Kalau scan nanti boy jugak, kena tune balik la kepala littleman ;)

Since the baby menonggeng, facing down... so tak nampak muka. Nampak 2 hands, 2 legs... and heart beat, strong heart beat - 140. Gender tak nampak lagi... tunggu next ultrasound. Tapi mrs mama dah 2 kali mimpi dpt baby boy... hehehe... nie masih dok menaruh harapan nak baby girl. Ada org kater (saper la org tu...) mimpi nie selalu terbalik, so ader chance ke nie??? hahaha!!! Littleman pun dah percaya yg dier akan dpt little baby sister. Kalau scan nanti boy jugak, kena tune balik la kepala littleman ;)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
2nd checkup - St. Raphael Hospital
Still backdated entry...
Nov 24th, 2008
Last thursday pi checkup kat St. Raphael hospital with Dr. Urmila Bhuvanesh. She is a very nice lady, pernah dtg M'sia in year 1975 utk amik exam apertah (medic2 nie jugak la).
She did a thorough checkup... atas sampai bawah. Tak sempat pun nak bgtau psl bleeding tu, nurse dah bgtau dulu from the urine test. Actually a day before, bleeding tu dah byk berkurangan (more to brown spotting). Macam2 dr tu tanya. Medical history la terutamanya, psl 1st pregnancy, 1st delivery, 1st baby.
Lastly dier buat pelvic exam. Nie common procedure since ader bleeding. Dr tu kater ader palate (ejaan hentam je nie, medical term sebenar tak sure). Dah tanya aper mende tu, Dr tu just ckp most palate are not cancerous. Tapi to make sure, dier buat pap smear. Nie tgh tunggu result pap smear gak la nie. Kater Dr, palate tu yg menyebabkan bleeding tu. Cuak jugak, tapi Dr tu cam relaks la pulak. So buat2 relaks la jugak. Scan belum buat lagi, kena schedule another appointment for that, which is on the Dec 16th nanti. Sabar je lah!! That time dah nak masuk 15 weeks pregnant.
Satu lagi kena buat HIV test b4 next checkup. Plan nak buat dlm minggu nie jugak, bergantung pd availability keter atuk landlord. Nak pi sendiri mmg di luar laluan bas. Kalau yale-new haven hospital tu mmg senang, naik bas depan rumah, turun depan hospital. Tapi tu la... insurance tak cover la pulak!
Nov 24th, 2008
Last thursday pi checkup kat St. Raphael hospital with Dr. Urmila Bhuvanesh. She is a very nice lady, pernah dtg M'sia in year 1975 utk amik exam apertah (medic2 nie jugak la).
She did a thorough checkup... atas sampai bawah. Tak sempat pun nak bgtau psl bleeding tu, nurse dah bgtau dulu from the urine test. Actually a day before, bleeding tu dah byk berkurangan (more to brown spotting). Macam2 dr tu tanya. Medical history la terutamanya, psl 1st pregnancy, 1st delivery, 1st baby.
Lastly dier buat pelvic exam. Nie common procedure since ader bleeding. Dr tu kater ader palate (ejaan hentam je nie, medical term sebenar tak sure). Dah tanya aper mende tu, Dr tu just ckp most palate are not cancerous. Tapi to make sure, dier buat pap smear. Nie tgh tunggu result pap smear gak la nie. Kater Dr, palate tu yg menyebabkan bleeding tu. Cuak jugak, tapi Dr tu cam relaks la pulak. So buat2 relaks la jugak. Scan belum buat lagi, kena schedule another appointment for that, which is on the Dec 16th nanti. Sabar je lah!! That time dah nak masuk 15 weeks pregnant.
Satu lagi kena buat HIV test b4 next checkup. Plan nak buat dlm minggu nie jugak, bergantung pd availability keter atuk landlord. Nak pi sendiri mmg di luar laluan bas. Kalau yale-new haven hospital tu mmg senang, naik bas depan rumah, turun depan hospital. Tapi tu la... insurance tak cover la pulak!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Expecting 2nd little one
Lama betul kami sambut thanksgiving... entry tak bertukar2... :)) actually sejak mrs mama disahkan pregnant, mmg tak amik kisah dah psl blog... pics dlm FB pun tak berupdate... mmg sungguh pemalas penangan pregnant kali ini...
Actually mrs mama ada buat entry, tapi tak upload dlm blog... nie baru nak upload. Kira backdated entry la...
Nov 14th, 2008

Pregnancy kali nie lain benar rasernyer. Seperti yg biaser dgr dpd pengalaman org2 yg mengandung... pengalaman mengandung setiap org anak itu berbeza-beza. Itulah yg dilalui sekrg. Pengalaman mengandungkan littleman dulu boleh dikatakan smooth sailing... Tidak mengalami morning sickness yg teruk dan agak kuat juga, bertenaga.
This time around, dlm tempoh 1st trimester ini perbezaan yg dirasai agak ketara. Tengah Oct lepas, sudah dpt merasakan kelainan dlm diri. Badan raser agak cepat letih dan selalu pening. Dalam hati ada juga terdetik, pregnant ke nie??? Tapi waktu tu mmg belum masernyer lagi nak period. So malas la nak menaruh harapan. Few days lepas tu, period pun menjelma tapi mcm ader tak ada. Dan berlanjutan sampai beberapa minggu. At the same time, penat, pening sentiasa ada.
Ada juga luahkan pd beberapa teman rapat. Most of them suggest buat pregnancy test. Tapi since that time kami agak busy dgn persiapan CT Raya Gathering, maka dibiarkan je la dulu. Dalam hati menaruh harapan juga agar benar2 pregnant.
Lepas CT Raya Gathering, badan betul2 flat. Balik rumah, lepas ezuwan+yani+ajmal balik, terus tertido dgn baju kurung tu jugak. Org lain berkumpul kat rumah kak ayu/azhar pun tak pergi. Mr ayah sorang je pergi sambil sempat suruh dia tapau daging dendeng and murtabak. Esoknyer masih flat dan mula tak lalu makan. Dan menjadi semakin malas. Bau daging dendeng pun dah tak lalu. Nasib baik dah jamah dulu mlm sebelumnyer. Rupanyer makan2 maser CT Raya Gathering (Oct 26th) tu kira last day betul2 menikmati makanan. Nasib baik dah makan semua, nasi minyak, lemang, mee rebus, dan lain2... Kira takde la raser teringat2 sgt.
On the Oct 28th, ader appointment dgn orthodontist. Balik tu we decided utk singgah Walgreens utk beli pregnancy test kit. Sempat juga singgah Dunkin DOnuts for their Cream cheese bagel and flat bread egg sandwich. Rasernyer that was my last day minum coffee or nescafe. Coz until today, takde langsung raser nak minum nescafe. Padahal every morning, tu la minuman ruji. Malam pun at least 2 mugs b4 tido.
Kali nie 1st time beli and buat pregnancy test sendiri. Tak perlu pun nak tunggu sampai 3 minutes, test je terus nampak 2 pink lines tu. HCG dah mmg sedia tinggi kot! Confirm pregnant!!! Tapi still tak puashati lagi selagi bukan doktor yg confirmkan. Call yale-new haven hospital, time yg sesuai utk pi buat checkup adalah next mondaynyer. Lepas 1st checkup kat hospital, confirm dah pregnant for 9 weeks (by the time typing this, dah more than 10 weeks)
Spotting/light bleeding still ader. My BFF kater, maybe pregnant coz ader jugak org yg period sket2 tu sebenarnyer pregnant. Ini sebenarnyer bukan period (i learn about this later after reading some materials of pregnancy symptoms from the internet). Darah yg disangkakan period tu actually implantation bleeding. Lepas my 1st checkup kat hospital pun, nurse tu ckp the same thing.
Next checkup with St raphael hospital (kena tukar hospital coz insurance tak cover clinical kat yale-new haven hosp) will be on Nov 20th. SInce sometimes ader jugak bleeding sket2... so byk la memalaskan diri dgn berbaring. Lagipun kalau berdiri lama sket, mula la nak pening2. Kemalasan pun makin ketara, selera makan pulak tak ader. Byk makan roti je la and minum milo.
Mengidam??? Entah la... tapi teringat2 gak rendang kerang mak, gulai tempoyak ikan cencaru, sambal sotong MIL, sambal tumis ikan kembung cik nah. Tomyam putih, telur bungkus, daging merah... and few others. BEstnyer kalau skrg ader kat M'sia. Mr ayah pun kater, kalau kat M'sia ok kot... since now i pun tak masak, dier pun makan ala2 je... kalau kat m'sia, tak masak takpe, bleh beli jek! :D So ader chance ke nie mr ayah nak turunkan lagi berat badan sepanjang kemalasan wife dier nie??? hehehe...
Actually mrs mama ada buat entry, tapi tak upload dlm blog... nie baru nak upload. Kira backdated entry la...
Nov 14th, 2008

Pregnancy kali nie lain benar rasernyer. Seperti yg biaser dgr dpd pengalaman org2 yg mengandung... pengalaman mengandung setiap org anak itu berbeza-beza. Itulah yg dilalui sekrg. Pengalaman mengandungkan littleman dulu boleh dikatakan smooth sailing... Tidak mengalami morning sickness yg teruk dan agak kuat juga, bertenaga.
This time around, dlm tempoh 1st trimester ini perbezaan yg dirasai agak ketara. Tengah Oct lepas, sudah dpt merasakan kelainan dlm diri. Badan raser agak cepat letih dan selalu pening. Dalam hati ada juga terdetik, pregnant ke nie??? Tapi waktu tu mmg belum masernyer lagi nak period. So malas la nak menaruh harapan. Few days lepas tu, period pun menjelma tapi mcm ader tak ada. Dan berlanjutan sampai beberapa minggu. At the same time, penat, pening sentiasa ada.
Ada juga luahkan pd beberapa teman rapat. Most of them suggest buat pregnancy test. Tapi since that time kami agak busy dgn persiapan CT Raya Gathering, maka dibiarkan je la dulu. Dalam hati menaruh harapan juga agar benar2 pregnant.
Lepas CT Raya Gathering, badan betul2 flat. Balik rumah, lepas ezuwan+yani+ajmal balik, terus tertido dgn baju kurung tu jugak. Org lain berkumpul kat rumah kak ayu/azhar pun tak pergi. Mr ayah sorang je pergi sambil sempat suruh dia tapau daging dendeng and murtabak. Esoknyer masih flat dan mula tak lalu makan. Dan menjadi semakin malas. Bau daging dendeng pun dah tak lalu. Nasib baik dah jamah dulu mlm sebelumnyer. Rupanyer makan2 maser CT Raya Gathering (Oct 26th) tu kira last day betul2 menikmati makanan. Nasib baik dah makan semua, nasi minyak, lemang, mee rebus, dan lain2... Kira takde la raser teringat2 sgt.
On the Oct 28th, ader appointment dgn orthodontist. Balik tu we decided utk singgah Walgreens utk beli pregnancy test kit. Sempat juga singgah Dunkin DOnuts for their Cream cheese bagel and flat bread egg sandwich. Rasernyer that was my last day minum coffee or nescafe. Coz until today, takde langsung raser nak minum nescafe. Padahal every morning, tu la minuman ruji. Malam pun at least 2 mugs b4 tido.
Kali nie 1st time beli and buat pregnancy test sendiri. Tak perlu pun nak tunggu sampai 3 minutes, test je terus nampak 2 pink lines tu. HCG dah mmg sedia tinggi kot! Confirm pregnant!!! Tapi still tak puashati lagi selagi bukan doktor yg confirmkan. Call yale-new haven hospital, time yg sesuai utk pi buat checkup adalah next mondaynyer. Lepas 1st checkup kat hospital, confirm dah pregnant for 9 weeks (by the time typing this, dah more than 10 weeks)
Spotting/light bleeding still ader. My BFF kater, maybe pregnant coz ader jugak org yg period sket2 tu sebenarnyer pregnant. Ini sebenarnyer bukan period (i learn about this later after reading some materials of pregnancy symptoms from the internet). Darah yg disangkakan period tu actually implantation bleeding. Lepas my 1st checkup kat hospital pun, nurse tu ckp the same thing.
Next checkup with St raphael hospital (kena tukar hospital coz insurance tak cover clinical kat yale-new haven hosp) will be on Nov 20th. SInce sometimes ader jugak bleeding sket2... so byk la memalaskan diri dgn berbaring. Lagipun kalau berdiri lama sket, mula la nak pening2. Kemalasan pun makin ketara, selera makan pulak tak ader. Byk makan roti je la and minum milo.
Mengidam??? Entah la... tapi teringat2 gak rendang kerang mak, gulai tempoyak ikan cencaru, sambal sotong MIL, sambal tumis ikan kembung cik nah. Tomyam putih, telur bungkus, daging merah... and few others. BEstnyer kalau skrg ader kat M'sia. Mr ayah pun kater, kalau kat M'sia ok kot... since now i pun tak masak, dier pun makan ala2 je... kalau kat m'sia, tak masak takpe, bleh beli jek! :D So ader chance ke nie mr ayah nak turunkan lagi berat badan sepanjang kemalasan wife dier nie??? hehehe...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Its Thanksgiving Day

Its a day to share the kindness and thoughts. Its a day to give thanks to others.
Thanksgiving ni actually is a Northern American celebration and holiday. Kalau ikut History Channel, the original idea of Thanksgiving is to celebrate the harvest festival in fall/autumn. Kira mcm pesta menuai kita. Its the time when the Americans celebrate and express their thanks for all the efforts. Kononnya it was first celebrated in the year 1621. Thanksgiving also marked the 25 days countdown to Xmas.
But now, its kinda like a tradition where the American family, dined in at their home and festive themselves with the best meals. Traditionally turkey mesti kena ada, and variety of pies for desserts. Normally the American family will dined in on the eve of Thanksgiving day, which is the fourth Thursday of the month of November. Kira mcm "makan besar" on Chinese New Year's eve la.
People from all over the States will travel back home to be back with their family. This is another big thing selain dari Xmas for the Americans. Ada gak elemen balik kampung diorang ni. Tgk dlm news katanya there will be more than 41 million people traveling for the Thanksgiving. Hebat jugak.
There's another new traditions after Thanksgiving known as the Black Friday. It will a BIG SALES all over US. The stores will be opened as early as midnight after Thanksgiving sampai the weekend. We already have our plan with vivavouge and family plus mr Shan to head down to Woodbury Premium Outlet for Black Friday. All of us really looking forward for this trip. Walaupun kena travel jauh, tapi Black Friday punya pasal kami teruskan perjuangan...
We don't really bother about Thanksgiving since we're not celebrating it. However, for those celebrating it, Happy Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Makan KFC
Mrs mama terasa nak makan ayam goreng. Nasib baik last week ada beli ayam frozen yg dah siap marinate and celup dgn tepung. So far kat sini takde lak jumpa tepung kentucky yg mcm jual kat Malaysia tu. Tapi since dah ada yg dah siap jual kat kedai AlDean tu, senang gak la.
Tapi semalam since stok ayam tu dah low and kedai AlDean lak tak bukak, kena la cari alternatif lain. Kat area sini nasib baik la ada satu KFC yg halal. Owner dia Afghanistani. Cuma nak ke kedai dia tu jauh sikit la, kat area New Haven/Fair Haven. Bas mmg takde lalu langsung area situ. Kalau musim tak sejuk, boleh la gagah mr ayah pegi dgn Shadow. Sometimes masa kitorang sewa kereta, boleh la pegi beli. Or else, pinjam la keter atuk landlord ni. Satu yg tak best nak kedai ni, is the area is kinda ghetto sikit la. Nampak mcm ala2 dlm movies, tapi so far so good.
Kat KFC ni, bukan takat fried chicken dia jual. Mcm2 ada. Ada burger, fried shrimps, philly cheesesteak dan mcm2 lagi la. Kira variety la food selection kat situ. Tapi so far, kami dok beli fried chicken dgn fried shrimp je. Tak try lagi yg lain.
Oh ya, KFC ni bukannya Kentucky Fried Chicken, tapi Kennedy Fried Chicken. Ada byk gak franchise dia yg kami dah jumpa. Tapi tak semua Kennedy Fried Chicken ni halal kat US ni, kena check dulu la.
Tapi semalam since stok ayam tu dah low and kedai AlDean lak tak bukak, kena la cari alternatif lain. Kat area sini nasib baik la ada satu KFC yg halal. Owner dia Afghanistani. Cuma nak ke kedai dia tu jauh sikit la, kat area New Haven/Fair Haven. Bas mmg takde lalu langsung area situ. Kalau musim tak sejuk, boleh la gagah mr ayah pegi dgn Shadow. Sometimes masa kitorang sewa kereta, boleh la pegi beli. Or else, pinjam la keter atuk landlord ni. Satu yg tak best nak kedai ni, is the area is kinda ghetto sikit la. Nampak mcm ala2 dlm movies, tapi so far so good.
Oh ya, KFC ni bukannya Kentucky Fried Chicken, tapi Kennedy Fried Chicken. Ada byk gak franchise dia yg kami dah jumpa. Tapi tak semua Kennedy Fried Chicken ni halal kat US ni, kena check dulu la.
Littleman's hair
From now on we will not cut littleman's hair until spring comes. The last time we cut his hair was the day before he has the photo shoot in school. Contohnya, seperti di dalam gambar in previous entry.
Now rambut littleman dah mula kembang. Oo rambut dier mmg cepat benor panjanggg... Tgh tercacak2 kembang la nie... Tak lama lagi nampak bulat la tu. Kena pakai minyak lak nak kasik turun. Perlunyer rambut panjang nie nak kasik dier warm sket coz knowing him, he would refuse to wear a snow cap.
Now rambut littleman dah mula kembang. Oo rambut dier mmg cepat benor panjanggg... Tgh tercacak2 kembang la nie... Tak lama lagi nampak bulat la tu. Kena pakai minyak lak nak kasik turun. Perlunyer rambut panjang nie nak kasik dier warm sket coz knowing him, he would refuse to wear a snow cap.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Parents & Teachers Meeting
Selama ni tak pernah terpikir pun kena pegi sekolah, jumpa cikgu and discuss pasal littleman's progress in school. Time really flies, and littleman dah pun kat kindergarten @ Forest School here. In our previous entry, we did mentioned about littleman going to public school here and how did he progressing in school.
Last week, we did received a progress report sheet from his class teacher. Ni mcm report card kita la. Appointment dgn class teacher dia, Ms I was set on Tuesday (Nov 18) @ 9.50 am. Dlm sejuk2 tu, mr ayah pegi la ke sekolah littleman naik motor on that day. There's no public bus route ke sekolah ni.

In terms of academic achievement, according to the teacher, he's doing well. Littleman knows his numbers, most of the alphabets, shapes and colors. Cuma some of the alphabets he gets confused especially yg shape lebih kurang mcm K dgn F, or between C, O dgn Q. Cikgu kata littleman punya strength is in maths, as he enjoys the numbers. Hmm.. mcm mama dia la pulak suka nombor2 ni.
Other than that, the teacher is happy to see littleman progress eversince his 1st day at school. The behavior chart works well, as she commented. Social skills and interaction dgn kawan2 kelas dia mmg cikgu puji. Almaklum la littleman ni jenis friendly. Cumanya littleman kalau dlm music class, dia ni tak berapa minat nak nyanyi or dancing mcm budak2 lain. Cikgu dia kata, dia malu agaknya. And his artworks pun agak comot sebab dia suka rush masa kaler2 ni. Ni pulak mcm mr ayah budak2 dulu. Cukup payah kalau part2 seni ni.

All in all the parents and teachers meeting went well. And as parents, we are proud of littleman's progress so far. We need to practice more with him at home. Hopefully he'll grow up as a good boy, InsyaAllah.
Last week, we did received a progress report sheet from his class teacher. Ni mcm report card kita la. Appointment dgn class teacher dia, Ms I was set on Tuesday (Nov 18) @ 9.50 am. Dlm sejuk2 tu, mr ayah pegi la ke sekolah littleman naik motor on that day. There's no public bus route ke sekolah ni.
In terms of academic achievement, according to the teacher, he's doing well. Littleman knows his numbers, most of the alphabets, shapes and colors. Cuma some of the alphabets he gets confused especially yg shape lebih kurang mcm K dgn F, or between C, O dgn Q. Cikgu kata littleman punya strength is in maths, as he enjoys the numbers. Hmm.. mcm mama dia la pulak suka nombor2 ni.
Other than that, the teacher is happy to see littleman progress eversince his 1st day at school. The behavior chart works well, as she commented. Social skills and interaction dgn kawan2 kelas dia mmg cikgu puji. Almaklum la littleman ni jenis friendly. Cumanya littleman kalau dlm music class, dia ni tak berapa minat nak nyanyi or dancing mcm budak2 lain. Cikgu dia kata, dia malu agaknya. And his artworks pun agak comot sebab dia suka rush masa kaler2 ni. Ni pulak mcm mr ayah budak2 dulu. Cukup payah kalau part2 seni ni.
All in all the parents and teachers meeting went well. And as parents, we are proud of littleman's progress so far. We need to practice more with him at home. Hopefully he'll grow up as a good boy, InsyaAllah.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rasanya mcm baru 2 week plus we went out to the park to enjoy the fall environment. Tetiba lak, dlm this week weather jadi makin sejuk. Temperature skrg ranging between 6-9 degrees centigrade. Mlm kadang jadi negative. Snow belum turun, tapi kadang dah ada flurries. Sembang dgn Joey, kat Ohio snow dah tebal. Kalau keluar rumah skrg dah start pakai baju at least 3 lapis dah pun. Pokok depan rumah kami pun dah botak dah, abis dah daun. Last few days, atuk landlord ni clearkan daun2 yg gugur. Byk jugak bila dah kumpul, bertimbun dlm beg sampah.

Kalau mlm lak nak tido confirm kena pasang heater. Tapi we still managed tak pasang main heater, takut kena bayar heater mahal. As an alternative, guna la portable heater ni dulu. At least bil elektrik tak la semahal harga minyak. Maybe dah masuk December nanti start kena pasang kot.
Littleman ni pulak dah mmg jadi routine dia balik sekolah nak pizza. So, nak tak nak kena la mr ayah redah dgn motor pegi beli pizza dlm sejuk2 tu. Kalau ada kereta atuk landlord tu, boleh la jugak mengorat pinjam kejap.
Kadang tu risau jugak, especially bila dgr dlm news area northern CT and MA (termasuk Boston) kena tornado warning alert sebab angin kuat sangat. Cuaca sejuk2 mcm ni, mula la start rasa alangkah bestnya dok kat Malaysia. Takde masalah nak pikir2 pasal sejuk ni. Tak payah kusut pikir nak ada baju utk season apa. Takpe... sabar... tak lama lagi dah nak balik ni...

Kalau mlm lak nak tido confirm kena pasang heater. Tapi we still managed tak pasang main heater, takut kena bayar heater mahal. As an alternative, guna la portable heater ni dulu. At least bil elektrik tak la semahal harga minyak. Maybe dah masuk December nanti start kena pasang kot.
Littleman ni pulak dah mmg jadi routine dia balik sekolah nak pizza. So, nak tak nak kena la mr ayah redah dgn motor pegi beli pizza dlm sejuk2 tu. Kalau ada kereta atuk landlord tu, boleh la jugak mengorat pinjam kejap.
Kadang tu risau jugak, especially bila dgr dlm news area northern CT and MA (termasuk Boston) kena tornado warning alert sebab angin kuat sangat. Cuaca sejuk2 mcm ni, mula la start rasa alangkah bestnya dok kat Malaysia. Takde masalah nak pikir2 pasal sejuk ni. Tak payah kusut pikir nak ada baju utk season apa. Takpe... sabar... tak lama lagi dah nak balik ni...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Shadow First Service
Monday @ Nov 10, 2008, I sent my dear Shadow for her maiden service at Libby's. Senang hantar kat situ, beli motor dgn accessories semua kat situ, servis pun kat situ. Tambah lak dgn orang2 Libby's dah kenal dah.
Kalau ikut service manual, first schedule maintenance is at 600 miles. Tapi memandangkan cuaca pun dah start sejuk, better get it done before winter comes. Masa hantar service, the mileage was clocked at 450 miles. Kira lbh kurang la.

For the first service, the mechanics needs to run a complete engine tuned-in apart from the normal oil change and oil filter change. And since winter is coming soon, I've requested for the Shadow to be "winter-ready-to-be-hibernate". So diorang letak la sekali fuel conditioner and stabilizer. Jgn ingat shampoo aje ada conditioner, motor pun ada.
The mechanics also recommends a battery stabilizer and charger. Cucuk kat cable elektrik motor yg sambung kat bateri. Dgn benda ni, it will keep the bateri at an optimum power level since the bike will be hibernated in a cold weather for few months. Mula ralat jugak nak beli benda tu, tapi bila pikir balik, nanti boleh gak pakai masa motor dok dlm kontena. Tapi yg sedihnyer... parts cost around $80 je termasuk battery tu, tapi labor cost sampai $200 lebih. Tax la aper la... endup more than $300 gak!
Tapi bila dah bawak balik Malaysia, senang sikit la. Tak payah nak susah2 dgn benda2 ni semua. Standard servis je la. So now, my dear Shadow is ready to be hibernated for a few months, or at least sampai abis winter. Nasib baik atuk landlord ni offer pakai garage tempat dia simpan kereta dia yg satu lagi tu. Ada gak la tempat berteduh dari snow and cold weather.
Kalau ikut service manual, first schedule maintenance is at 600 miles. Tapi memandangkan cuaca pun dah start sejuk, better get it done before winter comes. Masa hantar service, the mileage was clocked at 450 miles. Kira lbh kurang la.

For the first service, the mechanics needs to run a complete engine tuned-in apart from the normal oil change and oil filter change. And since winter is coming soon, I've requested for the Shadow to be "winter-ready-to-be-hibernate". So diorang letak la sekali fuel conditioner and stabilizer. Jgn ingat shampoo aje ada conditioner, motor pun ada.
The mechanics also recommends a battery stabilizer and charger. Cucuk kat cable elektrik motor yg sambung kat bateri. Dgn benda ni, it will keep the bateri at an optimum power level since the bike will be hibernated in a cold weather for few months. Mula ralat jugak nak beli benda tu, tapi bila pikir balik, nanti boleh gak pakai masa motor dok dlm kontena. Tapi yg sedihnyer... parts cost around $80 je termasuk battery tu, tapi labor cost sampai $200 lebih. Tax la aper la... endup more than $300 gak!
Tapi bila dah bawak balik Malaysia, senang sikit la. Tak payah nak susah2 dgn benda2 ni semua. Standard servis je la. So now, my dear Shadow is ready to be hibernated for a few months, or at least sampai abis winter. Nasib baik atuk landlord ni offer pakai garage tempat dia simpan kereta dia yg satu lagi tu. Ada gak la tempat berteduh dari snow and cold weather.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Beautiful Fall in CT
Once sampai kat summit tu, we were mesmerized by the beautiful view of the park and the aerial view of New Haven town. Dari atas ni nampak la area Downtown New Haven. Budak2 la seronok kat sini. Main berlari sana sini. Harith dgn Amin sakan la. Alyssa yg baru 18 bulan pun sama gak nak join abang2 dia ni berlari. Siap ada sorang budak pompuan ni, join diorang sekali sampai tak nak balik la. Seronok tgk diorang enjoy berlari. Biasanya main dlm rumah je, sekali sekala dpt lepas kat park mmg la seronok.
We did take pictures while we were there. Cantik sungguh la tgk daun2 kat pokok2 yg dah mula tukar kaler jadi kuning and merah. Ada lagi yg still hijau, and ada juga yg dah takde daun. Bila hari dah mula gelap, kami pun gerak balik.
Fall is really beautiful, tambah pula dgn berita gembira lepas kami balik dari Yale-New Haven hospital hari ni, it really makes our day.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Daylight savings time
Today at 2am, is the end of daylight savings time in US. We are now adding another one hour late, which make us 13 hrs behind from M'sian time. Nak ganti puasa pun sgt sesuai skrg nie coz maghrib masuk kul 4.45pm and makin cepat by day.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo DS Lite (NDS Lite) ni basically lbh kurang sama je dgn the original NDS. Cuma the size is reduced to two-third from the original NDS. Functionality still the same. Gameplay pun still the same.
We bought the NDS Lite for Littleman for his 5th birthday this year. Beli kat Toys r Us Times Square, NYC yg Eriq sabotage kitorang that day. Before coming to the US last year, we bought a PSP Slim, which utk littleman main during the loonggg flight. Few weeks before littleman's birthday, boleh la pulak screen PSP tu crack.

The NDS Lite game console comes in Polar White, Onyx (black), Coral Pink, Crimson (red and black), or Cobalt (blue and black) in color. Ours is Cobalt. A fully charge NDS Lite will be able to last for between 5 to 7 hours of battery lifetime. Tapi siapa la pulak yg mengadap benda ni sampai 5-6 jam tak berenti.
NDS Lite ni, ada 2 screens. The bottom screen is a touchscreen. Depending on the games, sometimes we have to use the touchscreen instead of the controller. Sometimes you have to use both. The touchscreen is cool especially while playing games because you feel the interactiveness more compared to using the normal control pad. Even though it came together with a stylus (and few spares) the touchscreen is sensitive enough for your finger. Littleman most of the time uses his finger, instead of the stylus.
The NDS Lite comes with 2 cartridge slots for NDS games and Gameboy Advance (GBA) games cartridges. No internal memory comes together with the NDS Lite. NDS Lite also allows multiplayer games using WiFi (IEEE 802.11) enabled game cartridges. The dsiplay and sound produced by the NDS Lite is fairly good. 2D/3D graphic accelerator allow some 3D games to run on the console.
Even though the graphics and games tak berapa best compared to PSP, NDS Lite is considerably good enough. Boleh la layan all the games. Balik Malaysia next year, mmg nak kena repair screen PSP tu, kat sini mahal sangat la nak repair...
We bought the NDS Lite for Littleman for his 5th birthday this year. Beli kat Toys r Us Times Square, NYC yg Eriq sabotage kitorang that day. Before coming to the US last year, we bought a PSP Slim, which utk littleman main during the loonggg flight. Few weeks before littleman's birthday, boleh la pulak screen PSP tu crack.

The NDS Lite game console comes in Polar White, Onyx (black), Coral Pink, Crimson (red and black), or Cobalt (blue and black) in color. Ours is Cobalt. A fully charge NDS Lite will be able to last for between 5 to 7 hours of battery lifetime. Tapi siapa la pulak yg mengadap benda ni sampai 5-6 jam tak berenti.
NDS Lite ni, ada 2 screens. The bottom screen is a touchscreen. Depending on the games, sometimes we have to use the touchscreen instead of the controller. Sometimes you have to use both. The touchscreen is cool especially while playing games because you feel the interactiveness more compared to using the normal control pad. Even though it came together with a stylus (and few spares) the touchscreen is sensitive enough for your finger. Littleman most of the time uses his finger, instead of the stylus.
The NDS Lite comes with 2 cartridge slots for NDS games and Gameboy Advance (GBA) games cartridges. No internal memory comes together with the NDS Lite. NDS Lite also allows multiplayer games using WiFi (IEEE 802.11) enabled game cartridges. The dsiplay and sound produced by the NDS Lite is fairly good. 2D/3D graphic accelerator allow some 3D games to run on the console.
Even though the graphics and games tak berapa best compared to PSP, NDS Lite is considerably good enough. Boleh la layan all the games. Balik Malaysia next year, mmg nak kena repair screen PSP tu, kat sini mahal sangat la nak repair...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Just another sunday
Open house lagi... yayyy!!!
Before that, last Monday was the Columbus Day. It was the day, on Oct 12th 1492 when Christopher Columbus found the land of USA. And mcm dah tak boleh dipisahkan, celebration day mestilah di-associate-kan dgn sale! Hehehe... Last weekend was Columbus Day Sale, Friday to Monday! Kalau sale pergi maner murid-murid??? Pannndaiii... pergi outlettt...
Ok, we started our Sunday dgn pergi beraya ke outlet. Kali nie pergi with frens, ikut Anis... Actually mr ayah la dah plan awal2 dgn Anis. We dragged along another M'sian lady. She came to US to present her paper at Columbia Uni, NY. Alang2 she visited her alma mater, Hartford uni, and sekali la jumpa her kengkawan lama in New/West Haven. Org USJ12 tu, dkt je dgn opis mrs mama. Borak2, kuar la citer anjung merah... rindu la lauk-pauk kat anjung merahhh!!!
Later in the evening pi open house rumah liza/kush. Menu, laksa penang and nasi minyak! Sedap gilosss laksa diaorg. Org yg masak pun mmg chef, hehehe... Nie 2nd time makan laksa sejak duk kat US nie. 1st time dulu pun kat rumah diaorg gak... ader makan2 few days after raya haji 2007. Time tu feel makan laksa tak terasa sgt coz baru je sampai dr m'sia. Of coz la dok teringat laksa kuah ikan kembong kat m'sia (miss ikan kembong...). Tapi yg baru nie punyer kemaruk mmg lain! Mmg melantak la kitaorg ;)
Btw, since it's October now, means it's the month of Halloween. So, most of the houses here are decorated with Halloween theme. Mcm2 ader... rumah yg byk hantu pun ader. Littleman associates Halloween with hantu. So, dier takut kalau sebut halloween kat dier ;) Our house pun tak ketinggalan juga dlm bab2 menghias nie. Of coz la bukan kami yg buat, atuk landlord la buat semua tu... Nanti la dah dkt2 Oct 31st leh pi ronda2 amik gambar :D
Before that, last Monday was the Columbus Day. It was the day, on Oct 12th 1492 when Christopher Columbus found the land of USA. And mcm dah tak boleh dipisahkan, celebration day mestilah di-associate-kan dgn sale! Hehehe... Last weekend was Columbus Day Sale, Friday to Monday! Kalau sale pergi maner murid-murid??? Pannndaiii... pergi outlettt...

Monday, October 13, 2008
Sambutan Aidilfitri 2008

Patutnyer hari Isnin tu just nak prepare semua ingredients je la... blend siap2 aper yg patut. Alih2 kena masak terus... Menu takde variety maner... setakat rendang ayam dan nasi impit kuah kacang. Ader gak plan nak masak pulut, tapi tak sempat. So pulut tu malam esoknyer baru buat.

Community sini pun ada plan Hari Raya Gathering utk Connecticut chapter. Buat kat German Hall, UNH on this coming Oct 26th. Will update on that in another entry...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Updates on kad raya
Since kami beraya di perantauan, jakun la sket biler dpt kad raya.... hehehe...
In relation to our entry, Yayyy!!! Dapat kad raya!!! kami nak ucapkan byk2 terima kasih to family and frens yg sanggup bersusah payah mengepos kad2 raya pd kami di sini. InsyaAllah next raya, u guys will be in our top list to receive our kad raya. Maklumlah tahun nie tak dpt balas kan... walaupun dpt gak pantun 'pecah kaca, pecah gelas, sudah baca, harap balas...'. InsyaAllah kami balas next year, ok! hehehe...
Tak lupa juga, thanks pd yg sudi mb2u duit raya utk littleman ;)

Tak lupa juga, thanks pd yg sudi mb2u duit raya utk littleman ;)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bazar Ramadhan di West Haven

Pengalaman berpuasa di Amerika ni takde la pulak kami berbuka kat luar. Senang lagi berbuka di rumah. Cuma sekali sekala ada la jemputan dari warga West Haven ni utk berbuka puasa ala pot luck kat rumah diorang. Eh! ader la sekali berbuka kat Bubba, Times Square... yg dgn Eriq tu ;)

Yg paling best is the one held on Sunday. The last Sunday before raya, the day after kami punya day out with Eriq. Ader jual mee kari, nasi lemak, apam puteri ayu, burger, roti john, kuih raya, and mcm2 lagi... best best!!! dpt makan mcm2... keropok lekor pun ader! :D

Siapa kata kat US takde Bazar Ramadhan? Hehehe...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Weekend Before Raya

Yes!! Eriq aka Hazriq aka Qirzah. Finally... jumpa gak mamat bueno aires nie :D
mrs mama: dulu dah pernah jumpa sekali, b4 he flew to buenos aires... tapi time tu tak kenal, malu2 kucing lagik! hikss!!!

Surprisingly, we didn't spend much at Woodbury... pdhal few days b4 dah tak sabar2 nak pi sana. We only bought littleman toys and his Wall-E tshirt and short (dah berhari dok mintak, nie sure tgk ada kawan2 pakai kat sekolah).

We had our iftar at Bubba Gump. Takde pics at Bubba coz all gone the minute they came. Eriq, our tepung pelita that day mmg tak sesedap the 1st one. Kalau u nak try buat, jgn guna tepung beras, guna tepung pulut (the 1st time tu terbeli tepung pulut, but i think guna tepung pulut lagi sedap lah!!).

Later we met vogue's labu lurve and his gang at his suite's lobby. Vogue, don't worry... dah talk2 with ur labu lurve and we will have our woodbury and DC sessions when u are in NYC. Sempat dak nak sambut new year in NYC?? ;) We left Eriq with his heavy shopping bags (he shopped a lot!!!)
Btw, ader satu incident kelakar happened while we were on our way back to NYC. We stopped over utk isi minyak kat one of the rest area. Masa nak isi tu, mr ayah mcm biasa la nak carik button/lever utk bukak tempat isi minyak. Jenuh la mencari, tapi tak jumpa! Mrs mama carik, Eriq pun carik. Tak jumpa2 gak. Siap tanya dgn org kalau2 diaorg tau. Maklum la keter sewa... tak reti! wakakaka!!! At last Eriq gak yg jumpa, rupanyer just pull the cover je!! Takde button/lever for that. Amik! gelak sakan la kitaorg dgn kedummy-an kitaorg and ingatkan canggih sgt la keter Dodge tu!!! Will sure remember this sampai biler2... hehehe...
On Sunday... We continued our shopping spree at the nearest outlet in Westbrook. Aterr! dah tak shopping on saturday kan... kater dpt bonus! Kena la shopping gaks ;) So Eriq, let the picture below describes all :P

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Salam Lebaran dari Connecticut
Kami ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin... buat keluarga mr ayah di Keramat, keluarga mrs mama di Taiping, paklong mali di bota, paklang farul di Canada (outstation la pulak... kesian aiman raya tanpa ayah), uncle lod di Johor Bahru (tahun nie tak dpt cuti raya), uncle Kanip di India (semoga kapal berlayar dgn selamat), cik ura di Seberang Jaya (bekerja di hari raya), saudara-mara, dan juga sahabat handai yg berada di perantauan serta di Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Observation Exercise
There was no class on Tuesday last week sebab Dr T went somewhere for work. Tapi sempat dia assigned us with an "observation exercise" for the week yg takde class tu and to come out with our findings during the next class this week.
The task was simple, we have to watched a movie - Deja Vu (2006) at least twice. Every time lepas tengok movie tu, we have to come out with our findings based on apa yg kami observed. Meaning that, during the 2nd viewing, we are expected to observe apa yg kami missed during the 1st viewing. We need to observe the scenes from an intelligent analyst point of view.

ATF Agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington)
FBI Agent Paul Pryzwarra (Val Kilmer)
FBI Agent Jack McCready (Bruce Greenwood)
Heroine Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton)
Scientist Prof Alexander Denny (Adam Goldberg)
Terrorist Carroll Oerstadt (James Caviezel)
In a nutshell, Deja Vu is about a domestic terrorism bombing of a ferry loaded with 543 people consisted of US Navy crew and civilians in New Orleans, Louisiana on Fat Tuesday. The FBI took over the case from the ATF after learning that there is a possibility the bombing maybe related to an act of terrorism.
FBI Agent Paul Pryzwarra decided to recruit ATF Agent Doug Carlin to assist the investigation due to the fact of his background being local having a link to a victim of the event. The investigation utilizing a tool called Snow White enabled the FBI to "travel" back 4 days and 6 hours in past to trace the event. Agent Carlin believes that a lady victim, Claire Kuchever who was found at the shore nearby the bombing area 6 minutes prior to the bombing may have a link to the event. The rest of the story was another FBI kinda movie. They get the bad guy, Agent Carlin travel back through time to save Claire Kuchever.
I guess the reason why Dr T wanted us to observed this movie is the movie was designed to create complexity by traveling back and forth through time. Apart from the fact he was a former Bureau. I think, it is a good movie to train your observation and analytic skills. Since we were asked to view the movie at least twice, hence we are expected to observed the details in the movie.
But from a movie viewer point of view, it is only rated fairly since the storyline is pretty basic. It is just another FBI movie.
The task was simple, we have to watched a movie - Deja Vu (2006) at least twice. Every time lepas tengok movie tu, we have to come out with our findings based on apa yg kami observed. Meaning that, during the 2nd viewing, we are expected to observe apa yg kami missed during the 1st viewing. We need to observe the scenes from an intelligent analyst point of view.

ATF Agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington)
FBI Agent Paul Pryzwarra (Val Kilmer)
FBI Agent Jack McCready (Bruce Greenwood)
Heroine Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton)
Scientist Prof Alexander Denny (Adam Goldberg)
Terrorist Carroll Oerstadt (James Caviezel)
In a nutshell, Deja Vu is about a domestic terrorism bombing of a ferry loaded with 543 people consisted of US Navy crew and civilians in New Orleans, Louisiana on Fat Tuesday. The FBI took over the case from the ATF after learning that there is a possibility the bombing maybe related to an act of terrorism.
FBI Agent Paul Pryzwarra decided to recruit ATF Agent Doug Carlin to assist the investigation due to the fact of his background being local having a link to a victim of the event. The investigation utilizing a tool called Snow White enabled the FBI to "travel" back 4 days and 6 hours in past to trace the event. Agent Carlin believes that a lady victim, Claire Kuchever who was found at the shore nearby the bombing area 6 minutes prior to the bombing may have a link to the event. The rest of the story was another FBI kinda movie. They get the bad guy, Agent Carlin travel back through time to save Claire Kuchever.
I guess the reason why Dr T wanted us to observed this movie is the movie was designed to create complexity by traveling back and forth through time. Apart from the fact he was a former Bureau. I think, it is a good movie to train your observation and analytic skills. Since we were asked to view the movie at least twice, hence we are expected to observed the details in the movie.
But from a movie viewer point of view, it is only rated fairly since the storyline is pretty basic. It is just another FBI movie.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yayyy!!! Dapat kad raya!!!

Teringat maser zaman2 asrama dulu, setiap dorm akan bertukar2 kad raya buatan dorm masing2. Normally setiap kad tu sure ader gambar2 kartun yg akan wakilkan setiap ahli dorm. Dorm maner yg ader org terer melukis... cantik ler kartun2nyer... Kad2 tu plak biasernyer akan digantung dlm dorm, hias utk dorm terbuka sempena sambutan hari raya kat sekolah. Dorm terbuka mmg ditunggu2 oleh semua pelajar coz boleh bebas kuar masuk asrama lelaki or pompuan ;)
Kalau kat sekolah mr ayah lak, hostel boys, jgn harap lak nak ada kad raya mcm ni. Abis pun, before cuti raya berarak la ramai2 dari satu bilik ke satu bilik. Bersalam2 raya sambil mintak maaf. Balik dari cuti raya baru la nak meriah, all the company line mula buat "open house". Tapi takde la nak ada ketupat, rendang ni. Takat kuih raya dgn air oren je la.
hmmm... means mrs mama's school lagi meriah la! ;) On our last day before balik cuti raya, we would have all the students and teachers berbaris for salam raya. The most juniors will start first, bersalam raya with the seniors and teachers. Kira last day tu mcm dah tak belajar la. Ramai yg sibuk bertukar2 kad raya. Ader gak yg main selit2 bawah meja ;) Lepas balik dr cuti raya, ader hari terbuka. Selain dr dorm terbuka tu, earlier we would have jamuan makan for all students. The food lengkap la mcm kat maner2 raya gathering. Siap bakar2 lemang segala. Then ader persembahan from the students, normally from each dorm. Or sometimes wakil tingkatan je. Ala... rindu la!!!
So, korang dah dpt kad raya ke??? Soalan nie ditujukan terutamanyer pd kengkawan yg berada di perantauan juga. Yg kat m'sia tak aci la nak tanya... sure dah berlambak kan ;)
Anyway, since tinggal lagi lebih kurang 10-11 hari je nak puasa... kami together-gather ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri pd kawan2 semua... minta maaf kalau pernah buat silap. Biler beraya tu ingat2lah pd kengkawan di perantauan juga... :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bahang Hari Raya
Pejam celik dah half way through kita lalui bulan Ramadhan ni. Terasa cepat pulak masa berlalu tahun ni. Probably due to the daily routine and the weather here yg dah mula sejuk, sampaikan takde la terasa sangat berpuasa masa siang hari.
Kalau kat Malaysia sure orang dah mula sibuk nak beraya, especially shopping baju raya and order kuih raya. Jalan TAR / Masjid India sure sibuk tak ingat punya, lebih2 lagi over the weekends. Kami punya style, kami suka ambik cuti sehari in the mid week to go for shopping. Senang sikit, orang pun tak ramai and nak parking pun senang. Kami ni sebenarnya tak berapa gemar nak bersesak2 and berebut dgn orang. Rasa mcm berserabut je.
Kuih raya pulak, normally kami beli je. Bila je masanya nak buat kuih pun. Rasanya zaman sekarang ni orang ramai beli je kuih instead of buat sendiri. Teringat arwah nenek prepare kuih2 traditional kat kampung, especially her signature bahulu ikan. It was done in a very traditional way. Bakar kuih bahulu atas dapur kayu api, mana ada pakai oven ni. Kuih2 traditional lain yg arwah nenek buat dulu termasuk la agar2 kering, halwa maskat, kuih bakar and kuih putu kacang. Rasanya tak pernah jumpa orang jual kuih2 traditional ni except for kuih bakar and putu kacang.
Kalau kat radio sure dah start keluar lagu2 raya. Kami pun dah mula download lagu2 raya ni since awal puasa lagi. Saja je nak kasi mood tu datang. Hehehe. So far rasanya lagu2 raya lama gak la yg rasa sedap didengar and ada feel bila dengar. Normally kalau orang yg merantau ni cukup sensitif bila dengar lagi Dendang Perantau, tapi mr ayah rasa lagu Kepulangan Yang Dinanti by Aman Shah lagi touching. Well, it depends to the individual taste anyway.
Dalam sibuk nak beraya ni, jangan lupa pulak tunaikan Rukun Islam yg ke-4. Sekarang ni dah mudah since kat shopping complex dah ada kaunter utk bayaran zakat fitrah ni. Tahun ni kami punya zakat fitrah kat New Haven Islamic Center. The approach is a bit awkward, since kita cuma masukkan duit ($10 per person) dlm envelop yg disediakan and masukkan dlm peti yg disiapkan. Takde la wakil NHICCT yg tunggu utk terima zakat kita tu. Masa kat Guinea dulu lagi kelakar, dtg jumpa Imam masjid lepas sembahyang, bagitau yg kita nak bayar zakat fitrah. Dgn French yg berterabur, ntah dia faham ke tak apa yg kita cakap. Main angguk je... :D
Pada yg sibuk dgn persiapan raya tu, berbelanja la dgn berhemah dan berjimat cermat. Gunakan la duit bonus tu dgn bijak. *wink
Kalau kat Malaysia sure orang dah mula sibuk nak beraya, especially shopping baju raya and order kuih raya. Jalan TAR / Masjid India sure sibuk tak ingat punya, lebih2 lagi over the weekends. Kami punya style, kami suka ambik cuti sehari in the mid week to go for shopping. Senang sikit, orang pun tak ramai and nak parking pun senang. Kami ni sebenarnya tak berapa gemar nak bersesak2 and berebut dgn orang. Rasa mcm berserabut je.
Kuih raya pulak, normally kami beli je. Bila je masanya nak buat kuih pun. Rasanya zaman sekarang ni orang ramai beli je kuih instead of buat sendiri. Teringat arwah nenek prepare kuih2 traditional kat kampung, especially her signature bahulu ikan. It was done in a very traditional way. Bakar kuih bahulu atas dapur kayu api, mana ada pakai oven ni. Kuih2 traditional lain yg arwah nenek buat dulu termasuk la agar2 kering, halwa maskat, kuih bakar and kuih putu kacang. Rasanya tak pernah jumpa orang jual kuih2 traditional ni except for kuih bakar and putu kacang.
Kalau kat radio sure dah start keluar lagu2 raya. Kami pun dah mula download lagu2 raya ni since awal puasa lagi. Saja je nak kasi mood tu datang. Hehehe. So far rasanya lagu2 raya lama gak la yg rasa sedap didengar and ada feel bila dengar. Normally kalau orang yg merantau ni cukup sensitif bila dengar lagi Dendang Perantau, tapi mr ayah rasa lagu Kepulangan Yang Dinanti by Aman Shah lagi touching. Well, it depends to the individual taste anyway.

Pada yg sibuk dgn persiapan raya tu, berbelanja la dgn berhemah dan berjimat cermat. Gunakan la duit bonus tu dgn bijak. *wink
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tepung pelita

At last, merasa gak la mr ayah nak makan tepung pelita di bulan puasa :D
Friday, September 12, 2008
Pizza Hut jugak...
Sejak duduk kat US of A nie, dah pelbagai pizza kami makan. Abih tu dah pizza tu la yg paling senang nak makan kalau kat luar, and kena lak mmg kegemaran littleman... ikut kan aje. Janji dier nak makan. Subway, sbarro, mr. P (beli, microwave sendiri), pizza yg atuk atas kasik, and few others semua dah raser.
Tapi littleman nie tetap gak setia dgn Pizza Hut dier. For us, pizza yg atuk kasik tu paling sedap so far (luper la nama kedai tu, tak pernah beli sendiri). Tapi nasib baik jugak la pizza hut dkt dgn rumah. Littleman hari2 mintak nak makan pizza je kerjanyer. Selalu kami beli personal pan je, utk dier sorang. Sekali makan 3 slices habis. Baki bawak ke esoknyer. Kalau tak cukup, siap pesan tu... esok beli... morning... means pagi2 la dier suruh pi beli. Takpun hari pi sekolah dier dah pesan siap2 balik nak makan pizza hut. Kalau tak nak makan pizza, baru dier mintak nasik and chicken.
- picture taken from
Regular tak regular nyer mr ayah kat pizza hut outlet tu, semua staffs kat situ dah kenal, the guy with the red bike :D bangga giler mr ayah semua org notice red shadow dier tu :P Since dah jadi regular customer, the pizza we ordered pun sometimes dpt yg medium size eventhough kat internet we order personal pan jek! hehehe... murah rezeki littleman nie... pernah sekali psl diaorg luper buat. Yg 2 kali lagi tu mmg diaorg sajer bagi medium size... :D Pdhal we start beli pizza kat outlet tu baru last month jek!
Tapi littleman nie tetap gak setia dgn Pizza Hut dier. For us, pizza yg atuk kasik tu paling sedap so far (luper la nama kedai tu, tak pernah beli sendiri). Tapi nasib baik jugak la pizza hut dkt dgn rumah. Littleman hari2 mintak nak makan pizza je kerjanyer. Selalu kami beli personal pan je, utk dier sorang. Sekali makan 3 slices habis. Baki bawak ke esoknyer. Kalau tak cukup, siap pesan tu... esok beli... morning... means pagi2 la dier suruh pi beli. Takpun hari pi sekolah dier dah pesan siap2 balik nak makan pizza hut. Kalau tak nak makan pizza, baru dier mintak nasik and chicken.

Regular tak regular nyer mr ayah kat pizza hut outlet tu, semua staffs kat situ dah kenal, the guy with the red bike :D bangga giler mr ayah semua org notice red shadow dier tu :P Since dah jadi regular customer, the pizza we ordered pun sometimes dpt yg medium size eventhough kat internet we order personal pan jek! hehehe... murah rezeki littleman nie... pernah sekali psl diaorg luper buat. Yg 2 kali lagi tu mmg diaorg sajer bagi medium size... :D Pdhal we start beli pizza kat outlet tu baru last month jek!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pengalaman berpuasa
Salam Ramadhan... Sekarang baru masuk minggu ke-2 kita berpuasa. Masih belum terlambat kalau hendak mengucapkan selamat berpuasa pd semua. Starting next week mesti org dah mula wish selamat hari raya pulak. Kalau di M'sia dah mula terima/hantar kad raya. Takde saper ke nak kirim kad raya pd kami di sini??? ;)
Bercerita ttg berpuasa, ini adalah kali ke-2 kami berpuasa di rantauan. Pengalaman pertama adalah semasa berada di Guinea, dan ke-2 di US of A nielah...
Kalau di Guinea dulu (year 2000), both of us bekerja... jadi tugas2 memasak utk berbuka mmg dilakukan oleh our cook. Waktu berbuka puasa adalah lebih kurang sama seperti di M'sia. Mula2 makan je la aper yg cook masak. Tapi makin hari makin tak lalu... Since balik kerja diawalkan, dlm pukul 4.30pm... and atas persetujuan tekak2 yg lain, mrs mama decided to cook (that time mrs mama sorang je pompuan yg keje dgn company tu di guinea). Bahan2 masakan mintak cook sediakan awal2. Tapi ader gak one dish yg cook tu sediakan mmg sgt sedap, ayam bakar... Teringat that time ader la few days tu menu kami samer jek sbb semua org setuju nak makan ayam bakar tu. So mrs mama just sediakan nasi goreng and sup. Sesekali kalau jumpa tauge, buat gak la mee bandung. Kuih-muih mmg takde sgt la... Kalau ader pun yg goreng2 je... cook yg buat.

Now in US of A... kami treat buka puasa samer mcm we eat our dinner. Makanan buka puasa mcm biaser... nasi, lauk and sayur. Tambahan, ader la serunding (from Taiping with love, mom's best serunding), telur masin Mydin (thanks to uncle who brought it over 3 weeks ago, hand carry lagi... lepas!!!). For manis2, buat la jelly and beli tembikai, nie dah terbiasa, kat umah keramat tiap2 hari buka puasa mesti ader tembikai sirap. Sesekali buat gak la mee kari and will surely akan buat gak bihun goreng, mee goreng, and nasi ayam...

Walau bagaimanapun the best buka puasa will still be in M'sia. With all the kuih-muih varieties... mmg rambang mata! time nie la nak tgk kuih-muih yg tak pernah tgk, tak pernah dgr... mcm2 ada, mcm2 ruper, mcm2 nama :D Selalunyer kami berbuka di luar. Village view, bangi antara tempat faveret... kdg tu kat food court alamanda je (kalau nasib dpt tempat). Sesekali buffet hotel... weekend, kat umah Keramat.
PARAM kat Putrajaya, last year tak jengah langsung... bukan sedap pun! teringat last 2 yrs pernah nak try beli satu lauk daging kat sorang pakcik kelate nie... mrs mama mintak for rm1 je (nak rasa dulu kot2 tak sedap lak)... pakcik tu siap perli kalau rm1 tak rasa aper la... tapi mrs mama tetap beli rm1 walaupun dpt seciput jek. Waktu berbuka, lauk daging tu la yg tak habis coz teramat masin!!! kalah telur masin!!! teraser mcm nak je bungkus, esok pi pulangkan balik!!! Tapi tak sampai hati walaupun dok terbayang2 je muka pakcik tu perli depan2 semua org!
Anyways, selamat berpuasa to all... walau di mana anda berada. Pada yg PARAM hopping, selamat menjamu mata :)
Bercerita ttg berpuasa, ini adalah kali ke-2 kami berpuasa di rantauan. Pengalaman pertama adalah semasa berada di Guinea, dan ke-2 di US of A nielah...
Kalau di Guinea dulu (year 2000), both of us bekerja... jadi tugas2 memasak utk berbuka mmg dilakukan oleh our cook. Waktu berbuka puasa adalah lebih kurang sama seperti di M'sia. Mula2 makan je la aper yg cook masak. Tapi makin hari makin tak lalu... Since balik kerja diawalkan, dlm pukul 4.30pm... and atas persetujuan tekak2 yg lain, mrs mama decided to cook (that time mrs mama sorang je pompuan yg keje dgn company tu di guinea). Bahan2 masakan mintak cook sediakan awal2. Tapi ader gak one dish yg cook tu sediakan mmg sgt sedap, ayam bakar... Teringat that time ader la few days tu menu kami samer jek sbb semua org setuju nak makan ayam bakar tu. So mrs mama just sediakan nasi goreng and sup. Sesekali kalau jumpa tauge, buat gak la mee bandung. Kuih-muih mmg takde sgt la... Kalau ader pun yg goreng2 je... cook yg buat.

Now in US of A... kami treat buka puasa samer mcm we eat our dinner. Makanan buka puasa mcm biaser... nasi, lauk and sayur. Tambahan, ader la serunding (from Taiping with love, mom's best serunding), telur masin Mydin (thanks to uncle who brought it over 3 weeks ago, hand carry lagi... lepas!!!). For manis2, buat la jelly and beli tembikai, nie dah terbiasa, kat umah keramat tiap2 hari buka puasa mesti ader tembikai sirap. Sesekali buat gak la mee kari and will surely akan buat gak bihun goreng, mee goreng, and nasi ayam...

Walau bagaimanapun the best buka puasa will still be in M'sia. With all the kuih-muih varieties... mmg rambang mata! time nie la nak tgk kuih-muih yg tak pernah tgk, tak pernah dgr... mcm2 ada, mcm2 ruper, mcm2 nama :D Selalunyer kami berbuka di luar. Village view, bangi antara tempat faveret... kdg tu kat food court alamanda je (kalau nasib dpt tempat). Sesekali buffet hotel... weekend, kat umah Keramat.
PARAM kat Putrajaya, last year tak jengah langsung... bukan sedap pun! teringat last 2 yrs pernah nak try beli satu lauk daging kat sorang pakcik kelate nie... mrs mama mintak for rm1 je (nak rasa dulu kot2 tak sedap lak)... pakcik tu siap perli kalau rm1 tak rasa aper la... tapi mrs mama tetap beli rm1 walaupun dpt seciput jek. Waktu berbuka, lauk daging tu la yg tak habis coz teramat masin!!! kalah telur masin!!! teraser mcm nak je bungkus, esok pi pulangkan balik!!! Tapi tak sampai hati walaupun dok terbayang2 je muka pakcik tu perli depan2 semua org!
Anyways, selamat berpuasa to all... walau di mana anda berada. Pada yg PARAM hopping, selamat menjamu mata :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Littleman in school
Hari nie dgn bangganyer littleman shows his behavior chart... ada improvement!!! He got 5 fair smileys... and a Perfect sticker for his school work. Good enough for us. At least now he understand that the behavior chart is used to evaluate him in school. He knows if he gets poor smiley, we will lecture him right after he gets back from the school... tak kasi chance langsung! hahaha!!!
September 3, 2008
Masuk hari nie, dah 4 hari littleman pi school. Dier pergi/balik sekolah naik bus.
So far, without fail, ader je komplen dr teacher psl littleman. His 2nd day in school, mr ayah and mrs mama kena panggil to the principal office. Tiba2 terasa mcm parents Malcolm in the Middle plak! Actually mmg agak obvious pun dlm kelas littleman tu, dier je yg nampak terlebih active... susah nak control.
Skrg nie hari2 mrs mama and mr ayah dok remind littleman about dos and don'ts. Don't do that to your friend... don't do this... listen to your teacher... etc... Littleman angguk2 je la... and says, OK! We can see that he's trying to understand what we said to him... tapi sometimes dier nampak mcm blurrr je... He is 5 yrs old. But the immaturity in him is quite obvious. Cakap pun belum betul2 lepas lagi... sometimes keluar jugak baby talk tu.
Littleman has been given a behavior chart everyday. In that chart the teacher will give 3 types of smileys; excellent (happy), fair and poor (sad). Dah 2 hari dpt chart, takde lagi excellent. 1st day, out of 5, 3 poor and 2 fair. 2nd day ader improvement sket, 2 poor and 3 fair. At least now he stayed in his seat. Ops! ader satu excellent smiley, but not in the chart... tapi for his school work, Circle the pictures that rhyme with hat. Good job, littleman!!! :D
We believe littleman won't have much problem in doing his school work. We have been practicing with him almost every night. Of coz we have difficult time to make him sit and learn. Tapi kena la paksa jugak. Dalam duduk tak diam tu, at least dier pickup jugak aper yg kami ajar.
We shall see for few more weeks. Hope ader improvement in his behavior... Together-gather we pray and hope for littleman to be a better boy.
Hari nie dgn bangganyer littleman shows his behavior chart... ada improvement!!! He got 5 fair smileys... and a Perfect sticker for his school work. Good enough for us. At least now he understand that the behavior chart is used to evaluate him in school. He knows if he gets poor smiley, we will lecture him right after he gets back from the school... tak kasi chance langsung! hahaha!!!
September 3, 2008

So far, without fail, ader je komplen dr teacher psl littleman. His 2nd day in school, mr ayah and mrs mama kena panggil to the principal office. Tiba2 terasa mcm parents Malcolm in the Middle plak! Actually mmg agak obvious pun dlm kelas littleman tu, dier je yg nampak terlebih active... susah nak control.

We believe littleman won't have much problem in doing his school work. We have been practicing with him almost every night. Of coz we have difficult time to make him sit and learn. Tapi kena la paksa jugak. Dalam duduk tak diam tu, at least dier pickup jugak aper yg kami ajar.
We shall see for few more weeks. Hope ader improvement in his behavior... Together-gather we pray and hope for littleman to be a better boy.
Monday, September 1, 2008
They are back!!!
*Update!!! series in red are to response to mr. anonymous... ;)
The long awaited series are coming back starting Sept 1st...
This is a reminder for us and frens out there who share the same interest (on some of the series, if not all). Prison Break airtime is clash with Gossip Girl. Nevermind... most of the series will be downloaded anyways.
Kena pulak tgh bulan puasa nie kan. Mr ayah pun ader kelas, Tuesday-Thurdays from 6pm-9pm. Ada org buka puasa dlm kelas je la ;) and mrs mama buka puasa sorang2 :( sib baik 3 hari seminggu jek!
So frens... start to clear ur hdisk... hehehe ;)
The long awaited series are coming back starting Sept 1st...
Gossip Girl | Sept 1st 8pm CWTV |
One Tree Hill | Sept 1st 9pm CWTV |
Prison Break | Sept 1st 8pm FOX |
90210 | Sept 2nd 8pm CWTV |
Entourage | Sept 7th 10pm HBO |
House | Sept 16th 8pm FOX |
Supernatural | Sept 18th 9pm CWTV |
Heroes | Sept 22nd 9pm NBC |
Lipstick Jungle | Sept 24th 10pm NBC |
Grey's Anatomy | Sept 25th 9pm ABC |
Ugly Betty | Sept 25th 8pm ABC |
Desperate Housewives | Sept 28th 9pm ABC |
Brothers and Sisters | Sept 28th 10pm ABC |
Pushing Daisies | Oct 1st 8pm ABC |
Private Practice | Oct 1st 9pm ABC |
Dirty Sexy Money | Oct 1st 10pm ABC |
Friday Night Lights | Oct 1st DIRECTV |
This is a reminder for us and frens out there who share the same interest (on some of the series, if not all). Prison Break airtime is clash with Gossip Girl. Nevermind... most of the series will be downloaded anyways.
Kena pulak tgh bulan puasa nie kan. Mr ayah pun ader kelas, Tuesday-Thurdays from 6pm-9pm. Ada org buka puasa dlm kelas je la ;) and mrs mama buka puasa sorang2 :( sib baik 3 hari seminggu jek!
So frens... start to clear ur hdisk... hehehe ;)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Farewell Summer, Welcome Fall
Sekejap je rasanya Summer. Cuaca betul2 panas cuma dlm sebulan je. Its normal for the Northeastern part of the States, especially kawasan New England ni. End of Summer ni maksudnya dah nak mula la Fall. Fall is finally here already. Daun2 kat pokok pun start nak tukar kaler, even some pokok dah start luruh dedaunnya.
Mula Fall ni, mula la new session for mr ayah and littleman. Mr ayah masuk new trimester, and littleman akan masuk sekolah baru - Forest Elementary School for Kindergarten. 3 days before littelman starts school, the school called saying that littleman's medical checkup is not complete. Dulu diaorg jugak yg check medical checkup form tu and said dah ok. Kali nie cakap psl takde blood pressure and urine test plak! Budak baru nak kindergarten nih! Anyways, we managed to settle the issue except for the eye test. Eye test tak dpt buat psl littleman takmo duk diam.
Kejap je masa berlalu... Tinggal lagi 2 semesters je lagi, Mr ayah akan tamat pengajian. Littleman nanti tak sempat pun nak abiskan his Kindergarten dah kena balik M'sia. Tak kisah la, yg penting dpt bagi dia exposure before dia masuk sekolah rendah nanti. By the time balik M'sia nanti sempat few months je kot nak masuk tadika.
Bye2 summer... welcome fall... welcome Ramadhan...

Kejap je masa berlalu... Tinggal lagi 2 semesters je lagi, Mr ayah akan tamat pengajian. Littleman nanti tak sempat pun nak abiskan his Kindergarten dah kena balik M'sia. Tak kisah la, yg penting dpt bagi dia exposure before dia masuk sekolah rendah nanti. By the time balik M'sia nanti sempat few months je kot nak masuk tadika.
Bye2 summer... welcome fall... welcome Ramadhan...
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