Yes!! Eriq aka Hazriq aka Qirzah. Finally... jumpa gak mamat bueno aires nie :D
mrs mama: dulu dah pernah jumpa sekali, b4 he flew to buenos aires... tapi time tu tak kenal, malu2 kucing lagik! hikss!!!

Surprisingly, we didn't spend much at Woodbury... pdhal few days b4 dah tak sabar2 nak pi sana. We only bought littleman toys and his Wall-E tshirt and short (dah berhari dok mintak, nie sure tgk ada kawan2 pakai kat sekolah).

We had our iftar at Bubba Gump. Takde pics at Bubba coz all gone the minute they came. Eriq, our tepung pelita that day mmg tak sesedap the 1st one. Kalau u nak try buat, jgn guna tepung beras, guna tepung pulut (the 1st time tu terbeli tepung pulut, but i think guna tepung pulut lagi sedap lah!!).

Later we met vogue's labu lurve and his gang at his suite's lobby. Vogue, don't worry... dah talk2 with ur labu lurve and we will have our woodbury and DC sessions when u are in NYC. Sempat dak nak sambut new year in NYC?? ;) We left Eriq with his heavy shopping bags (he shopped a lot!!!)
Btw, ader satu incident kelakar happened while we were on our way back to NYC. We stopped over utk isi minyak kat one of the rest area. Masa nak isi tu, mr ayah mcm biasa la nak carik button/lever utk bukak tempat isi minyak. Jenuh la mencari, tapi tak jumpa! Mrs mama carik, Eriq pun carik. Tak jumpa2 gak. Siap tanya dgn org kalau2 diaorg tau. Maklum la keter sewa... tak reti! wakakaka!!! At last Eriq gak yg jumpa, rupanyer just pull the cover je!! Takde button/lever for that. Amik! gelak sakan la kitaorg dgn kedummy-an kitaorg and ingatkan canggih sgt la keter Dodge tu!!! Will sure remember this sampai biler2... hehehe...
On Sunday... We continued our shopping spree at the nearest outlet in Westbrook. Aterr! dah tak shopping on saturday kan... kater dpt bonus! Kena la shopping gaks ;) So Eriq, let the picture below describes all :P

patut la En. Hazriq tu dah tak de entry baru blog... sibuk shopping rupanyer... jeles I!
Uols nak countdown new year kat NYC ramai2 ke nanti?...nak itut jugak!!! I dah sampai kat Boston gak time tu kot..nak try dptkan ticket between 18-20 Dec nie..leh kita wat reunion together-gether klu Vogue n her labu lurve r still there..hehehe.:)
20 dec my bday yo! ngeh3...
tp rasanyer x sempat stay sampai xmas pon....gomen bajet so xleh dok lelama....huhuhu..(x sempatler haku berboxing!)
wahhhh....eriq sopping mcm tiada esok bagimu...
olpicture: haruss jeles ok! byk giler Eriq shopping... mcm tak reti penat dier tawaf woodbury tu :P
azzayd: kalau ader i chance boleh la jugak! normally kat Times Square tu la kan...
vogue: tak sempat christmas ke vogue?? alahai... miss la nak countdown new year from ur suite jek :P anyway... sure u sempat thanksgiving and christmas sales... wajibbb tu!!! ;)
Ntah naper tak nampak lak entry ni.
Ok, now my turn to give comments. Tarik nafas dulu . . .
And begin:
We sampai to Woodbury's tu at the same time. I took the bus from the City (I forgot how much, but I think it's around USD 40 or more) for a return trip. The bus ride was like an hour or so. Was drizzling, and sampai jer the tempat tu it was wet.
As if that'll stop me lah kan?!
Memang at first tu was kecoh. Dorang kata dorang parking kat Calvin Klein Men's store. So I took the map at the Information centre and konon nak gi jumpa dorang lah ni kat situ. Took me like FOREVER to find the place, coz I went the OPPOSITE direction.
Go figure!
Last2 jumpa kat playground pulak.
Jalan2 with Ayoi and semua tempat kita serbu cam Ayoi dah target nak beli (pre-war planning). Last2 dia tak beli apa pun, tapi I tried out so much and bought even more! Kesian Ayoi kena tunggu for me to line up pay the stuff. Siap ada satu store tu, the power got cut and the registers had to wait like almost 20 minutes to warm up again.
Sorry lah Ayoi.
Let me just say, people, my cardio workout that day mmg a week's worth. And the bags with all the stuff I bought tu mmg a good weight training (apsal takde gambar tu eh?).
Harus diucapkan terima kasih to you two kerana tolong angkat2kan all those heavy bags to the car while I sambung in Calvin Klein. Tenkiu.
Funny gak lah tengok Littleman main kat playground masa I took a breather ngan Ayoi. Dia ni VERY friendly and siap ikut kanak2 lain to their parents and when their parents lap peluh kanak2 tu, dia pun tunggu giliran dia.
And the story of the gas keta tu . . . I almost forgot about it. Cam took us over 10 minutes trying to find the switch or button or whatever to open the gas hatch. Siap kita push the bloody thing. Last2 we were supposed to tarik. Hey, we weren't the only "blondes" that day. Those two people kita tanya pun, cam tak tahu.
Alasan jer semua tu.
Oh, and funny that niat kita nak gi makan kat Red Lobster tak jadi coz too many people and walaupun we opted for Bubba Gump in the end, none of us ordered any lobster oriented meals. Btw, i still masih kepunan shrimps, despite Zatil dah muak. Oh, and my gelas berkelip2 tu mmg menjadi sumber kejelesan kekawan kat Buenos Aires. Pimpin' it Bubba Gump style.
And again: I AM SORRY about the Toys-R-Us incident. Muka korang . . . bila i said "Harith, look, Toys-R-Us" . . . . PRICELESS!
Then tak habis2 Harith: "Pleeeeeease . . ." tu pujuk his parents to go to the store.
Tapi I pun jakun kat tempat tu. Siap ada ferris wheel dalam building tu.
And let's not us forget the elevator in the subways. And the Asian lady yg tak bagi kita masuk the elevator coz dia kata the elevator is going up, sedangkan that floor was THE top floor. Benggong!
Satu hari jer outting kita tapi so many adventures!
Jom gi lagi . . .
And so sorry to Littleman coz tak ikut dia gi "Harith house".
And exhale!
ah, nama pun HAZRIQ kan. utk pengetahuan suma, dia TAK MENGAKU beli barang banyak.
kak zatil ngan ayoi, kita nampak le paper bag timberland huhu!
Qirzah: mak aii!! panjang nyer komen, naper tak email je... bleh i post as an entry ;)
yup! the subway elevator story... luper la plak. beriya jek nyonya tu tak bg kiter masuk psl dier nak pi atas! lawak tull biler kiter semua cam terpinga2 je tgk dier...
jom gi lagi?? boleh aje... biler tu??? :D
DD: bukan timberland je... disney, toys r us, oshkosh... ;)
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