We bought the NDS Lite for Littleman for his 5th birthday this year. Beli kat Toys r Us Times Square, NYC yg Eriq sabotage kitorang that day. Before coming to the US last year, we bought a PSP Slim, which utk littleman main during the loonggg flight. Few weeks before littleman's birthday, boleh la pulak screen PSP tu crack.

The NDS Lite game console comes in Polar White, Onyx (black), Coral Pink, Crimson (red and black), or Cobalt (blue and black) in color. Ours is Cobalt. A fully charge NDS Lite will be able to last for between 5 to 7 hours of battery lifetime. Tapi siapa la pulak yg mengadap benda ni sampai 5-6 jam tak berenti.
NDS Lite ni, ada 2 screens. The bottom screen is a touchscreen. Depending on the games, sometimes we have to use the touchscreen instead of the controller. Sometimes you have to use both. The touchscreen is cool especially while playing games because you feel the interactiveness more compared to using the normal control pad. Even though it came together with a stylus (and few spares) the touchscreen is sensitive enough for your finger. Littleman most of the time uses his finger, instead of the stylus.
The NDS Lite comes with 2 cartridge slots for NDS games and Gameboy Advance (GBA) games cartridges. No internal memory comes together with the NDS Lite. NDS Lite also allows multiplayer games using WiFi (IEEE 802.11) enabled game cartridges. The dsiplay and sound produced by the NDS Lite is fairly good. 2D/3D graphic accelerator allow some 3D games to run on the console.
Even though the graphics and games tak berapa best compared to PSP, NDS Lite is considerably good enough. Boleh la layan all the games. Balik Malaysia next year, mmg nak kena repair screen PSP tu, kat sini mahal sangat la nak repair...
Littleman gave me the NDS Lite to play. I must admit, I felt like a DUNCE, coz I didn't know how to manage the controls.
And for the umpteenth time . . .
beruntung Littleman...
teringat lagi masa DPA. i was so addicted with Pokemon on Nintendo GBA, partner-in-crime? Rahizi, orang dok kasi lecture, we were trading pokemon...
Yups. My sis also has one. Very nice to play games on it. Plus it has my kind of games. Hehe...
Kat Japan sekarang people crazy for Nintendo Wii. Masuk dlm wishlist cepat!
Qirzah: takde aper la psl toys r us. entah2 kalau u tak sebut pun, dier leh nampak gak kot maser kiter makan kat level atas Bubba tu.
olpicture: obviously PSP slim tu dulu beli psl mr ayah pun leh tumpang main sama kan, samer la dgn NDS lite tu.
michelle: yg aku tak berkenan psl NDS nie, kena beli game catridge. littleman ader cartoon network, cars, ben10, scooby doo, and satu lagi ntahapernamanyer. Kena game yg baru keluar, harga mcm sepsg kasut 9west kat outlet!
Jush: Wii bukan sajer glamer kat Japan. Last year lagi dah masuk dlm our wishlist. Harga $399, sepsg suit Ralph Lauren/CK pun lepas tu!
huhuhuhu....all these games stuff bikin aku penin2...im sooooo living in the last century
I consider myself as a gamer. Start dari zaman pc screen hijau dah start main Karateka. Skrg ni dah kurang sikit sebab kena share dgn littleman.
Jush: Wii? Dari last year lagi dah main dah kat rumah member. Mmg addicted esp, bila main ramai2. We got hooked up dgn Tiger Wood 08, tak payah practice kat driving range. Now dah ada Wii Fit made for exercising.
OMG! berzaman tak dengar Karetaka! aku ingat zaman screen hijau, ada game Prince of Persia... memang tak reti la game yang terjun2 lawan2.. aku reti main Where in the world is Carmen San Diago...and then..pokemon! he he
Feveret tu Karateka. Prince of Persia pun best gak, aku ada lagi game tu dlm henpon skrg ni. Kat PS3 pun Prince of Persia makin best, cuma PS3 je takde. Hehehe..
Carmen San Diago? Good game kalau nak belajar pasal tempat2 menarik di dunia.
K.Zatil... oh... adik aku retakkan sumer dsl dia so boleh la main macam2 hehehe aku request je dia dload yg sepatutnya...
aku? main mario brthrs wakakaka..
screen psp crack? mace doh tau je dapak NDS tu
Michelle: Kena google ni mcm mana nak retakkan. PSP aritu dah retakkan dah, dgn screen sekali retak
D: Mario Bros skrg lagi canggih kat NDS Lite ni. Siap ada game Mario Bros vs Sonic.
ai: Mcm dah tau? Hehehe
Camne la expression muka korang eh masa kejadian "keretakkan" tu.. must be a real Kodak-moment..
shahnaz, maser kejadian takde saper sedar. and azrul takde kat rumah. harith sampai dah nangis takut ayah dier marah. and mmg ayah dier marah pun... lama lak tu :D
Errr boleh ke tak marah bila balik rumah tgk screen PSP tu crack?
ayoi...look for R4DS pirate way to play NDS games.PSP dah abis warranty ke?
mr evil: TQ for the tips. Will check it out. PSP to 1 year limited warranty. Beli kat Malaysia.
Hari tu screen PSP aku retak gak. terbang la RM380 buat kat Midvalley. Kalau ada sesapa tau kat mana bole tukar screen PSP murah sikit, habaq no. mana la tau retak lagi...ni mesti main game ganas ni...Wakakaka...
Anaidrun : Kalau takat Mario brothers, aku tengok macam senamrobik masa DPA je yang lompat-lompat ntah apa ke pekdahnye tu.
ayoi. beli NDS lite utk aku sebijon? nanti aku nak men masa jaga student exam :D
gambit: Mahal juga yea ganti screen PSP. Tapi kena juga la ganti, takkan nak simpan dlm kotak je.
troxion: Menarik gak idea tu. Tapi, kirim barang dgn duit dpt la barang, kalau tak dpt air liur gak la. :P
Ayoi.. apa salahnya kalau biar camtu je n display dalam glass cabinet.. as a reminder pada littleman.. ;P
yeehaaaa for COOKING MAMA!!!
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