Hari nie dgn bangganyer littleman shows his behavior chart... ada improvement!!! He got 5 fair smileys... and a Perfect sticker for his school work. Good enough for us. At least now he understand that the behavior chart is used to evaluate him in school. He knows if he gets poor smiley, we will lecture him right after he gets back from the school... tak kasi chance langsung! hahaha!!!
September 3, 2008
Masuk hari nie, dah 4 hari littleman pi school. Dier pergi/balik sekolah naik bus.
So far, without fail, ader je komplen dr teacher psl littleman. His 2nd day in school, mr ayah and mrs mama kena panggil to the principal office. Tiba2 terasa mcm parents Malcolm in the Middle plak! Actually mmg agak obvious pun dlm kelas littleman tu, dier je yg nampak terlebih active... susah nak control.
Skrg nie hari2 mrs mama and mr ayah dok remind littleman about dos and don'ts. Don't do that to your friend... don't do this... listen to your teacher... etc... Littleman angguk2 je la... and says, OK! We can see that he's trying to understand what we said to him... tapi sometimes dier nampak mcm blurrr je... He is 5 yrs old. But the immaturity in him is quite obvious. Cakap pun belum betul2 lepas lagi... sometimes keluar jugak baby talk tu.
Littleman has been given a behavior chart everyday. In that chart the teacher will give 3 types of smileys; excellent (happy), fair and poor (sad). Dah 2 hari dpt chart, takde lagi excellent. 1st day, out of 5, 3 poor and 2 fair. 2nd day ader improvement sket, 2 poor and 3 fair. At least now he stayed in his seat. Ops! ader satu excellent smiley, but not in the chart... tapi for his school work, Circle the pictures that rhyme with hat. Good job, littleman!!! :D
We believe littleman won't have much problem in doing his school work. We have been practicing with him almost every night. Of coz we have difficult time to make him sit and learn. Tapi kena la paksa jugak. Dalam duduk tak diam tu, at least dier pickup jugak aper yg kami ajar.
We shall see for few more weeks. Hope ader improvement in his behavior... Together-gather we pray and hope for littleman to be a better boy.
grrrrrrr harith!!!! hahaha.
ensemnye my younger boipren... ahaks. selamat pegi skool... :D
Hurmm... menyesal x masuk sekolah asrama... kalo masuk RMC dulu sure I laris...heheh... x gitu Ayoi?
Best kan school system kat sana..very caring towards child's development..nak harap sekolah kat Msia wat Smiley chart?Hapah...
Senang je nak bagi hilang baby talk Littleman..balik Msia nnt kena bagi adik sorang kat dia..hehe...
oh bas kuning bermuncung panjang... masih ada lagi kau di amerika...
asal bas sekolah sume kaler kuning ek?
sebab in science, yellow light travel the fastest. So kuning senang la orang nampak dan buat people alert...
wahhh....olpicture...sgt informative...
harith ader baby blabs lg? of course larrrr...dia terasa baby lg...he's indeed the smallest in the family...
Wow, challenging yer ader anak.
But I'm sure anak ko tu nakal sebab bapak dia setan. Hehehehe. But it will turn out ok. Just need a little adjustments...in time, he'll get used to school and even enjoy it. Think the behavior chart is super cool. Dulu kita kat sekolah kena ader gak chart, tapi dkt bontot, sebab kena sebat.
hi Harith...growing up littleman... we know you can do it...congrats n keep it up. slowly but surely. we miss you so much little darling....CN is keeping good care of your hamsters too
Salam utk atuk, nenek, CN & orang Keramat (termasuk la hamsters, err hamsters tu orang ke?).
TQ for the support and words of encouragement. With all the love and prayers, Harith will be fine. Missing everyone back home too.
-mr ayah & mrs mama
harith nampak kurus pulak..mata auntie yang silap ke?
dear all,
the behavior chart tu mmg super cool. walaupun takde excellent smiley, at least kita tau gak anak kiter tu kat sekolah camner instead of asyik dgr komplen2 secara direct... parents would know la the feel biler org komplen psl anak kiter :D tapi ari nie takde lak dier bwk balik the chart! hmmm... apsal yek?
kurus? maybe psl dlm gambar nie, tshirt dier pakai tu size xs... and dier pun actually makin tinggi, rambut lak baru potong :D
asal-usul bas sekolah kuning tu bukan mmg dr US ke? entah la...
joey: eh! maner ader bapak dier setan. ko patut tgk pic ayoi sekolah rendah... innocent sungguh!!! budak baik, semua gambar kelas duk sebelah cikgu jek! tapi lepas masuk RMC tu... ehmmm... mcm skrg nie la kot hasilnyer... muahahaha!!!
sesiapa yang kawan ngan Joey tu sebenarnya setan...termasuk la aku :D
Abah: Betul tu, aku nie wakil recruit budak2 setan.....kepala dia abah lah....aku join masa aku kerja dgn Abah dulu. Kalau tak aku innocent gak mcm ayoi kat sekolah rendah. But don't be offended, setan tu kalau kat sekolah menengah dulu complement. Budak2 cool jer dapat title setan nie...
5 smileys, Good job, harith....
chiss... ternyata aku tidak cool kerna dapat title Jendul sahaja
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