New York City (2nd - 3rd June 2008)

NYC was our last destination in this vacation. Mr ayah's mother once said to us back in year 2001, we should target to go to NYC since we already went to Paris and London. Just to complete the tour to most popular cities in the world. Alhamdulillah we finally here, at the Big Apple, city that never sleeps.
- view from on top of Rockefeller PlazaWe had quite an experience at Orlando Int'l Airport during our departure. When we were departing from JFK Int'l Airport, it was very smooth. Tak byk songeh pun. Setakat kena buka kasut and bags yg berisi air tu, standard la. Tapi air tak pulak kena buang, especially kalau air tu for babies. Mrs mama punyer bodyshop lotion je yg kena amik
(tapi botol penuh lagi... isk!). Tu kes terlupa nak keluarkan from the bag, brg2 dlm bag tu were packed from DC trip. However, in Orlando airport takde satu air pun lepas. Kecuali susu yg dah siap bancuh. Yg lain, air kosong semua buang. Pastu nak kosongkan bekas takleh kat checkpoint tu, kena keluar pi kat toilet, and later beratur balik dr awal. Kalau queue tu ciput je, ok gak la. Tapi nak taknak kena pi gak la, or else kira halal je la ur tumbler or thermos. We were the last passengers to board Delta 72.

We safely arrived in JFK Int'l Airport and straight away transfered to our hotel in Flushing, Sheraton LaGuardia East hotel
(not recommended). Lambat sgt book hotel, strategic location semua dah fully booked. Tinggal yg more than usd400 per night ader la ;) Tapi at least our hotel dkt dgn subway, so a bonus jugak la.
- view from ferry ride
Our tour NYC started on our 2nd day in the city. Among the places we went were the Grand Central terminal, UN headquarters, Rockefeller plaza
(we went to the top), Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, 5th Ave, and Times Square. It was already dark when we arrived at Times Square. Known as the city that never sleeps, Times Square was really alive. Full of people. Our main stop here was the biggest Toys r Us we'd ever been. Siap ader 60ft. ferris wheel dlm tu. Our littleman got his NDS Lite from here. Harith mcm tak tau nak pilih aper dlm tu, psl byk sgt toys. In the end, we offered him NDS tu coz dah tak larat nak tunggu dier dlm tu.
Masa kat NYC ni, we encounter there's a lot of halal food jual by the street. Mostly jenis stall. There's one at 53rd St, Manhattan yang consider popular di NYC. Beratur punya la panjang, tapi its really worth it. They call themselves Halal Guy, pakai baju t-shirt kaler kuning. Kami pun sempat makan kat area Ground Zero, a Middle Eastern restaurant called
Alfanoose. Again the food was good, lauk pun banyak. Worth a return later.
We will definitely visit NYC again someday. Lagipun NYC is just 2 hrs away from our house.
- keluar2 subway kat Times Square nampak Gossip Girl, hehehe...Do visit our
FP for more pictures.