We went out to the mall. Reason, coz mrs mama dah boring sgt duk kat rumah. Off we went to the Westfield Connecticut Post Mall by bus. Plan asal nak sewa kereta for the weekend, tapi skrg nie takde weekend rate... terus tak jadi. Walau bagaimanapun, pergi tetap pergi... naik bas pun, naik bas la... hehehe...
another talent agent approached littleman...
something Gap, but not ours... ;)
Coins books, collecting 50 State Quarters... 1999 - 2008
wah...malls sana pun nama westfield gak ke? kaya betol westfield ni
by the way, do enjoy the bus rides while u can...balik mesia nanti ada ke ko hingin nak naik bas pi ou klcc, the curve etc etc??? ihihihihih
Cheeky Pah: Westfield ada seantero donia. US, UK, NZ dan Aussie. Harus la korang jumpa mall nama sama kat sana. Bus rides kat sini agak reliable in terms of timing, cuma yg tak best bila weekends, tak byk bas operational.
lil man leh jadi model antarabangsa!
OMG! cepat masukkan Lil'man to the agency if not earlier... mana tau boleh jadik Baby GAP nyer model ker
nie kira tom tom bak Amarika ker?
laaaaaaaaaaaaa... accept jelah offer tu. bagi harith jadi model!!!
hurmm baik2 la kalo terima offer model utk budak kecik nie... ntah2 dijadikan model child porn ke apa... kena beringat tu... sekarang dah x macam dulu... I mean the world today is so much different from the year I was born in 1989...
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