Its a day to share the kindness and thoughts. Its a day to give thanks to others.
Thanksgiving ni actually is a Northern American celebration and holiday. Kalau ikut History Channel, the original idea of Thanksgiving is to celebrate the harvest festival in fall/autumn. Kira mcm pesta menuai kita. Its the time when the Americans celebrate and express their thanks for all the efforts. Kononnya it was first celebrated in the year 1621. Thanksgiving also marked the 25 days countdown to Xmas.
But now, its kinda like a tradition where the American family, dined in at their home and festive themselves with the best meals. Traditionally turkey mesti kena ada, and variety of pies for desserts. Normally the American family will dined in on the eve of Thanksgiving day, which is the fourth Thursday of the month of November. Kira mcm "makan besar" on Chinese New Year's eve la.
People from all over the States will travel back home to be back with their family. This is another big thing selain dari Xmas for the Americans. Ada gak elemen balik kampung diorang ni. Tgk dlm news katanya there will be more than 41 million people traveling for the Thanksgiving. Hebat jugak.
There's another new traditions after Thanksgiving known as the Black Friday. It will a BIG SALES all over US. The stores will be opened as early as midnight after Thanksgiving sampai the weekend. We already have our plan with vivavouge and family plus mr Shan to head down to Woodbury Premium Outlet for Black Friday. All of us really looking forward for this trip. Walaupun kena travel jauh, tapi Black Friday punya pasal kami teruskan perjuangan...
We don't really bother about Thanksgiving since we're not celebrating it. However, for those celebrating it, Happy Thanksgiving.