Location: Tokiwa Uni, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan
Duration: 23-28 Aug 2009Mr ayah was given the golden the opportunity to present a paper which was co-authored with Dr Gaboury entitled "Establishing Human Trafficking Centers Globally: Humanitarian & Economic Perspectives during the abovementioned symposium.

Stacey, mr ayah & Dr G
Parallel session no.5, slot no.1 (Human Trafficking I), which was the 1st to go. Dr. G decided to let the student to present, which mr ayah and his colleague Stacey did. Alhamdulillah it went smooth. Stacey did the 1st part, and mr ayah did the next portion of the paper, which is the proposed solutions/conceptual proposal. Stacey is a CJ major in her Sr. year. She helps a lot for our paper. Tak sangka ramai lak yg berminat nak bertanya, tapi due to time constraint, the chair allows 3 Qs. Semua nak tuju kat mr ayah lak tu, tapi Alhamdulillah boleh la jawab.

mr ayah in action.. hehehe
The paper looks into human trafficking in the perspective of economy and humanitarian, yg mana the research focus on the economical aspect of a country that contribute to the push & pull factor of human trafficking activities. The establishment of human trafficking centers globally would be the workable solutions to address both reactive and proactive measurement to stop the crime. The centers would be best deployed at regional and sub regional level, since every region/country have their own unique issues and challenges regarding human trafficking.

muka lega dah abis present paper
Mr ayah would like to thank beloved mrs mama for the great support and understanding. Can't really do it without your support & patience. To all family members and friends for the prayers and encouragements. Special thanks to Dr G, for giving the opportunity and advices during the preparation of the paper. (Siap offer nak jadi SV kalau nak buat PhD nanti tu. Ada la dekat 10x dia ulang)
InsyaAllah we are working towards to publish this paper in one of the journals later.
InsyaAllah we are working towards to publish this paper in one of the journals later.
If only mr ayah can share this with Arwah Ayah.. Ayah, this is for you...