Hail to the new Hayl Arsyad... That was a comment from an unlce in DC :)
Unlike littleman's name, we kept to ourselves this littlebro's name until the baby was born and officially registered with JPN. Masa mengandungkan littleman dulu, awal2 lagi dah canang kat org nama bakal baby :)
As most of our frens know, during the pregnancy mrs mama was hoping for a girl. So we had a girl's name for the baby. When the sonographer said it would be a boy, then only we look for a boy's name. It didn't take us much time to come out with Hayl Arsyad. It was decided within one day.
Few facts about littlebro:
- Susah nak dgr littlebro nie menangis. Kalau tak dibiarkan kelaparan, mmg takde chance la nak dgr suara littlebro berkumandang... :D
- Tak suka berselimut. Agaknyer masa mula mengandungkan dier dulu pun dah hujung2 fall, then winter... dah biaser sejuk la kot, kena cuaca panas nie, maner nak berselimut! tau2 kaki dah atas selimut.
- Enggan memakai mittens/booties littleman dulu. Asyik tertanggal semuanyer. So, kena pakai yg baru jugak. Ke psl mittens/booties lama tu getah dah longgar?
- Satu lesung pipit, sebelah kanan. Littleman has 2.
Oh yea, hari nie genap littlebro 3 weeks old.
sanagt cuteeee!!! kejap ajer dah 3weeks yer.... muaah muaah muaah kat littlebro. :D
Hello Buddy..wassup...
Adam & Rayyan
Soooooooo kiut!!!!!
aaaa. so cute!!!
eh, dah mcm muka harith! :D bila la aku nak gi visit baby comel nih! :-)
hmmm ..bila nak naik quinny zapp USDM nie... :)
Owhh..sungguh comel little man.
muka pon same je ngan littlebro.
he's such a handsome fella....
aku pon nak beranak lagi larrrr macam niiiiii
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